mIRC v7.32 Final Cracked-EAT/Patch-XenoCoder

mIRC is a popular Internet Relay Chat client used by millions of people, and thousands of organizations, to communicate, share, play and work with each other on IRC networks around the world. Serving the Internet community for over a decade, mIRC has evolved into a powerful, reliable and fun piece of technology.

It has a clean, practical interface that is highly configurable and supports features such as buddy lists, file transfers, multi-server connections, IPv6, SSL encryption, proxy support, UTF-8 display, UPnP, customizable sounds, spoken messages, tray notifications, message logging, and more.

mIRC also has a powerful scripting language that can be used both to automate mIRC and to create applications that perform a wide range of functions from network communications to playing games.

Supported OS: Windows 2000/XP/Vista/7/8

Changes in mIRC v7.32 (23/05/2013)
1.Fixed messages being text-wrapped incorrectly in some situations.
2.Fixed SSL certificate files specified in SSL options dialog not
being loaded and used correctly when connecting to a server.
3.Fixed SSL disconnect bug where if an SSL connection failed, other
SSL connections would be disconnected.
4.Updated libraries to zlib 1.2.8 and OpenSSL 1.0.1e.

mIRC v7.32 Final - FULL
Incl. Cracked-EAT/Patch-XenoCoder

Quality Upload by .:sHaRe:.

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